Category: Human Resources

  • HR: Creating A Good Team and Work Environment

    Let’s talk about employer-employee relationships, and how to create the best environment for good relations. Human resources (HR) is all about being proactive to prevent issues, understanding and motivating to instill confidence, and tactful to resolve issues in the workplace (that’s what we do at Facets Business Solutions). Unfortunately it’s not as easy done as it is said; there are too many different situations, and various reasons, why issues come up in the first place (the different personalities alone can cause much of the friction). So, what to do, when you’re handling the HR practices at your workplace?

  • My Funny Business Valentine

    Love in the office is a touchy subject (pardon the pun), but honestly it can go either way – we know of business people in the same company, who have met, fallen in love, and even married successfully, and we all know of people who’ve had messy office romances that muddled their work relationships.

  • Business Phone Etiquette

    Who’s answering your company’s phone? Do they speak in a professional and inviting manner? Are they knowledgeable and informative? Can they answer questions, and do they know what to do when they can’t answer a question? Practicing good phone manners should be intuitive and logical, but as HR specialists we’re here to say that this is not always the case. So much business is at stake in a simple phone call that employers should take the time to train employees on phone call etiquette.

  • Delegating, Outsourcing and Hiring

    It makes sense in business to delegate; especially if you have motivated employees who want to gain more experience and advance their careers. At FACETS Business Solutions, we’re very fond of delegating and outsourcing, too – this is how business gets done. For example, we happily take on young and inexperienced apprentices, interested in human resources, bookkeeping, or general business, and we teach them the ways of our business. Their pay is not as high as an expert’s would be; but what we’re offering them is experience, which will be the very qualifications they’ll need to put on their resumes. With pride, we train and offer great opportunity to those who are motivated and are intent on learning and improving.

  • Networking – Grow Your Business

    Networking for business comes with dos and don’ts. Proper etiquette makes the difference, when trying to successfully gain business contacts and build relationships. We really enjoyed reading Small Business BC’s article, Grow Your Business Through Networking:, and since we at FACETS Business Solutions love to network (we belong to BNI in BC we want to add a few notes of our own regarding decorum.

  • Good HR Practices – Hiring From Within

    The Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) had their 63rd Annual Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas at the end of June, and since this is exactly on-topic with what we do in our business, we were inspired to read about the conference in many news articles and blogs, including Kelly Long’s blog Thryving. From Kelly’s blog, we picked up a few pointers that were delivered by Sir Richard Branson’s speech. Here are a couple of ideas we’ve learned, and promote…