Category: Administration

  • Business New Years Resolutions

    Happy New Year! Do you have a resolution for your business? Maybe you’d like to strive to be a greener company, build better relationships with customers, give better customer service, use sustainable ingredients, or jus spread love and laughter every time you meet a stranger. We’re with you! Here at Facets Business Solutions, we start every New Year with an inspirational quote, and we try to always apply it in our everyday work and personal lives, too.

  • Online Stores – Get Your Piece of the Pie!

    E-stores are popping up all over the place. You can purchase anything online, from shoes and clothes, to electronics, and even foodstuffs! FACETS Business Solutions has a great idea for those local small and medium businesses who have stores and already sell products; get yourself an online store, as a webpage on your website.

  • Deskercises – Exercising for the Desk-Bound

    We love Breakfast with Nat & Drew—Virgin Radio’s morning show. The other day, when we were laughing (out loud), listening to Drew Savage, he mentioned that The American Journal of Preventative Medicine has new recommendations for office workers: Deskercises.

  • BC HST Referendum

    As hot topics go, this ones a doozey! The HST, a harmonized version of the GST and PST, was introduced in July 2010, and here we are in July 2011 voting to either keep it or revert to paying separate taxes…